Pastor Charles's Funeral 16th - 17th June 2023
Pastor Charles's Funeral 16th - 17th June 2023
Pastor Charles's funeral

Little did we know that when we posted news of Charles and Susan’s wedding and then the joy of the arrival of Bruce, his son on our blog just a couple of years ago, we would tragically be posting pictures of his funeral so soon after this.
None of us know when our Lord will call us home, nor His reason for taking such as inspirational young Pastor and family man from those who loved him. However, we can be certain that his is now in Glory in heaven. His funeral and burial service spread over 2 days and an estimated 2,000 attended. The photographs show just how his family, friends and colleagues celebrated his short life. TEAMS contributed towards the cost of his funeral (as well as his medical bills) so if you wish to help TEAMS restore its reserves, please visit our Giving page and add the reference 4 Pastor Charles to your donation. Thank you.