1 week later redecoration commenced after all decaying render had been removed and re-plastered.
Imagine digging this huge hole by hand under the equatorial sun!
2 new soakaways are being dug on either side of the church to help improve drainage and reduce the risk of flash flooding during heavy rain.
TEAMS Church is undergoing a major refurb!
Leaking gutters and more than 20 years of use and exposure to the harsh equatorial weather have taken their toll on the fabric of TEAMS church and administrative offices (built in 2002) so action was urgently needed before the decaying brickwork caused structural issues.
Whilst [...]
“STITCHES” UPDATE We are delighted to say that the running of Stitches Sewing School is now being headed up by Agnes, supported by her husband Pastor Samuel. This is a great step forward towards TEAMS objective of self-empowering the Ugandan people. Their enthusiasm and commitment to helping the less fortunate in [...]
Thank you for praying for TEAMS Sewing Students.
As indicated in our last update regarding TEAMS sewing school, our Year 2 students have just taken their DIT examinations. D I T stands for the Department of Industrial Training and is the vocational educational arm of the Ugandan Governments Ministry of [...]
After being postponed 5 months by the Pandemic, students (and one of the teachers) of our sewing school “Stitches” are sitting Government examinations in Tailoring later this month.
The exams are over 2 days and an invigilator is sent from Kampala to oversee the event. Day 1 is the Theory [...]
Caroline, a science teacher at Ranelagh School in Bracknell, Berkshire in England, has with her family, been a loyal supporter of TEAMS for many years. During 2018 she visited Uganda to see for herself how TEAMS works within the needy communities of northern Uganda. Whilst in Gulu, she [...]
Founded in 2007 by Rosalind Watt, initially working in partnership with TEAMS, Stitches sewing school has grown and matured well during its 12 years. Since 2010 it has become a fully-fledged TEAMS vocational training programme. In the UK we call Stitches a sewing school whereas in Uganda it [...]